Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Late night... Cute Baby!!

So again I am awake and my dear SWEET husband is having a snoring competition with the neighbor on who can annoy their wife more. Brandon is in first place as far as I am concerned, possibly may have even broken a world record. Anyhow, I was doing some blog stalking. Yes I admit it I AM A BLOG STALKER!! I don't know if there is a support group or anything but, if so I think I should possibly join. Although, then I think that I would have to outwardly admit it, saying it out loud to a group, so then again maybe not.

Anyways, I was peeking at my little sisters blog. Have you seen their cute new addition? He looks so much like my Dad, the chubby cheeks and the simple look on his face that almost screams I know something that you want to know. They have such cute babies! So, a belated congrats to them and I can tell already that the Turner's are going to be the favorite! Love you kids.